Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Not Quite Fearless Yet..

I have this idea that if I am truly fearless in my knitting then I will become some sort of "Super Knitter" and everyone will love me and all my senseless hand knitted gifts. And I will be wise beyond my years... and my kids will behave... Unrealistic I know, but I'm gonna make the attempt anyway. Maybe it will be good for my self-esteem to be able to look at a pattern and KNOW that "I can do that!" To further my ambitions I have taken on two new skills this past week:
(pic here)
Knitting on dpn's. I don't think I've done to bad. One Wrist Warmer down and one half done, but put on hold while I finish the Grub Afghan. (9 days left to finish it.. can it be done??) The first Wrist Warmer has several mistakes, but I'm doing better on the second.

And speaking of the Grub Afghan:
(Pic here)
My other new skill is knitting backwards. It makes things go so much faster to not have to turn at the end of every row... I couldn't figure out how to knit backwards continental style, so I had to learn to throw at the same time, so I guess I've actually learned three new skills in the past few days! Woohoo for me!! :)

I'm that much closer to being fearless.. I still have to conquer color work (stripes are no problem, intarsia and fair isle scare the bejeezus out of me...) and sweaters.. Makes my heart race and my palms sweat just thinking of it....

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