Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wow! Has it really been almost 2 years??

Unbelievable! How can someone neglect a blog for 2 WHOLE YEARS???

Well, if it can be done, leave it to me to do it.

So, I wonder if I can commit to blogging once a week? Shall we see if I can keep it up?
Maybe I should start out by showing off some of my fo's.. Let's see how far I've come in my quest to become a "Fearless Knitter":

First we have the "finished" Grub Afghan.. which still needs about 1000 ends woven in and the edging, but she won't sleep without it (the ends are pretty short so not a choking hazard)
Next is a sock I knit for the Grub. It was part of some test knitting for the Chrissy Gardiner book Toe-Up!. In my, very humble, opinion this is the greatest book on toe-up sock knitting I have ever seen. The worksheets alone (and instructions that go along with them) make it invaluable for the toe-up set.
Then there's a hat I whipped out for a friend's birthday. It's this (rav link) pattern, knit in some hand-dyed 50/50 wool/silk dyed by another friend. Other than socks, this was my very first lace project! (I know this picture sucks, but, for some reason, it's the only one I took!)

My latest lace project was this (rav link again) shawlette/scarf knit from some hand-dyed Cascade 220 I won in a drawing at my LYS. This was my first knit lace shawl.. and I loved it so much I'm going back for more!

And this is my newest project. It's going to be the Grub's birthday sweater. She saw it in my latest Creative Knitting mag and just had to have it. I really don't like drop sleeves though, and the "heart lace" panel is really just a bunch of "v's" so, I'm changing things up a bit. I'm working it as a top-down raglan cardi in Cascade 220 (because that's the yarn she picked). I will be inserting a similar lace heart panel (still trying to decide which one..have any suggestions?) and knitting the ruffle with my handspun, and probably sewing it on since it's knit bottom up. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

I've also snuck some stranded colorwork in, but can't seem to find the pics. And I've crocheted a doily or two from vintage/antique patterns. Maybe I will find those pics and post them next time. For now I have a little Grub who wants my attention. :)